Ok - this is really off the topic of allure - but sometimes I see something I just have to comment on. Its film related, its from the 1930's, it has a soon to be famous (and alluring)

actress, but it is also one of the most bizarre (and weirdly fun) films I have ever seen. It was produced by a major studio, but looks like something from either a well funded B production house or the inmates of the asylum at Charenton.
The film is
Just Imagine, from Fox in 1930, and starring in the female lead, that soon to be partner of Tarzan, Maureen O'Sullivan.
This is the story of a man finds himself transported 50 years into the future, to 1980, and gets involved with two male buddies, one who pines for Maureen, but can't have her, because in 1980, marriages are arranged based on one's success - and this guy just doesn't measure up to her other suitor. By the way, there are

no names in 1980, everyone has a number - the characters are LN-18, J-21, MT-3, etc.
The fellow (dubbed Single 0) from 1930 is there to provide vaudevillian comic relief and delivers the corn with a Swiss/Jewish accent. He is shown the sites of the futuristic world of 1980 - meals are just pills, babies are delivered by something akin to a vending machine ("fellas, I prefer the old-fashioned way") and no one owns a car, they all have single-seater airplanes

. He tags along throughout the entire film.
Anyway the basic plot revolves around J-21 trying to do something that will give him the edge in winning LN-18. And as luck would have it, while he is contemplating his fate on a bridge overlooking ominously dark water, a stranger comes up to him and asks if he is thinking about ending it all. He says no, but explains his predicament. It turns out this stranger works for a scientist who is planning to send a rocket to Mars and is looking for volunteers. Well, what better feat to establish your worthiness than taking a trip to outer space. And off he and his buddy RT-42 and Single-0 go. They land on Mars and meet up with the Martians, who look like the were just finishing up a jungle picture on the adjoining sound stage. Much dancing and fighting ensues and they finally get back to their ship and return to earth and J-21 wins LN-18 and they live happily ever after.
The total goofiness of the plot aside, it is the visuals and set design and singing and dancing, etc. all thrown together that make this an astonishing picture. I will let the images speak for themselves, but I have to mention the still of the woman gyrating with the cocktail shaker. This scene is dissolved into while our hero is singing the line, "I Want an Old Fashioned Girl", and his buddy is daydreaming about his version of an old fashioned girl, one mixing an old fashion cocktail - pretty funny, intentional or not.
The film was actually nominated for an oscar for art direction!